Why Venus? Why Now?

Venus, Goddess of Love.

Why should we care?

When we think of the things Venus/Aphrodite represents; beauty, sensuality, pleasure, sex, passion, love and intimacy it’s clear to see that these are themes most humans struggle with.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

This face of the Goddess has been dissed, dismissed, trivialized, commercialized and commoditized more than any other.

I find that very intriguing.

What was once sacred, and central to thriving ancient civilizations has been cheapened and deemed taboo.


Maybe there’s something to explore here.

Could Venus be the missing piece?

An essential element to the New Earth we’re creating?

I think so.

“There is no solution to anything unless Venus is involved- unless beauty and love are present.”

-Caroline W Casey, Astrologer

Let’s dive in!

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The Venusian Summer Series

7 Free Masterclasses to embody your inner Goddess of Love