How to Navigate Eclipse Season Like a Goddess


Hey Beautiful!

Another Eclipse season is upon us! Even if you know nothing about astrology, just like when Mercury spins retro, it can be useful to know that things are not operating in "regularly scheduled program" mode.

 Eclipse season happens about every 6 months and offer us powerful invitations to make a quantum shifts. I like to call these cauldrons of transformation as the opportunities for self awareness, healing and inner alchemy are heightened.

Things can feel intense, emotions can run high,  and just like Mercury retrogrades, the energy can seem chaotic and abrupt, but when we work with these potent little portals with awareness and intention they can help realign us with our purpose and re-infuse us with passion for out path.

I wanted to do a short and sweet episode on this so that you can navigate this eclipse season (starting Oct. 14th, 2023) from a place of empowerment. There's a lot to work with here, if we choose to get curious and dive in.

Eclipse self care is the key to accessing the magic of the season. And it has everything to do with caring for your nervous system.

Let's dive in!