Shakti Core

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Freeing Your Wild Feminine Heart/Taoist Breast Massage

Taoist Breast Massage is one of the simplest and most effective ways to create safety in your body, dial up your self-love and radiance, process your emotions, balance your hormones, and nourish your libido naturally. 

That's a whole lotta bang for your buck!

Breast Massage is one of the foundational practices in Taoist Sexual Yoga and an important gateway into becoming multi-orgasmic. 

A must for any woman who wants to reclaim her sacred femininity.

Adding a regular breast massage to your routine cultivates the "love hormone" Oxytocin.

Yes, you can create your very own love chemistry! 🌹

And when you, do you kick those stress hormones to the curb. πŸ‘‹

We can hold a lot of stagnant, unprocessed emotional energy in the breasts.

Leaving us wired, tired and in a chronic state of survival mode.

This not only affects our physical health, but also blocks our feminine flow, love, joy, orgasm and creative expression.

The good news is that a consistent breast massage practice will get that stagnant chi moving and transmute it into passion, bliss & aliveness.

Giving you an embodied experience of your wild feminine heart. πŸ’ƒπŸΌ

A simple, daily sensual breast massage will serve you massively. 

This is something I make time for everyday, usually twice a day.

It will keep your energy flowing in a healthy way and allow your eros to fuel all the love and giving you pour into this world. 🌎

No more giving from an empty cup love!

Sounds good?

Let’s dive in!

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