The Three Sacred Gates of Vaginal O

This episode is all about, you guessed it, vaginal orgasm. This is our Holy Grail. A vibrant, radiant vagina is a multiorgasmic vagina. This is your birthright. It's what most women are yearning for, and yet for most women, it's uncharted territory. We are literally sitting on a throne of gold. When we do the work to heal and awaken the vagina, we transform our lives from the inside out.

I riff on:

  • Redefining orgasm/what it means to be multiorgasmic

  • Vaginal Reflexology/ A map for emotional and sexual healing

  • The 3 sacred gates of vaginal orgasm

  • My favorite tools for achieving vaginal mastery


Want to dive deeper?

  • Book your free Pleasure Queen Activation Session here

  • Get the details for Second Spring Queen here

  • Download your Vaginal Reflexology Map here


The Vital Goddess Masterclass

If you're resonating with what I'm saying here in the show, I've created a free training for you to take it deeper. It's super juicy, and robust. A must-watch for any turned-on seasoned woman!

in this training you will learn :

  • Why pleasure actually matters.

  • What Sacred Feminine Energy is + how to know when we’re cut off from it

  • Why we want to tap into this innate sensual power within.

  • Why midlife is the best time to tap into it!

  • How we activate & embody our inner goddess.

  • What the Taoist Jade Egg Practice is

  • & why it’s the master tool for all of the above.


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