The Guru Model/ Why I'm Over It!

In this episode, I dive into the shadow side of the Guru model of leadership in transformational spaces.

While I've had some amazing experiences with this way of doing things, I feel it actually does more harm than good. It served its purpose, but I feel that we humans are ready for new systems, and new forms of leadership that honor individual sovereignty. 

  • the Guru Model and why I'm over it

  • the shadow side of the dominator model

  • one of my favorite books on this topic

  • the power of pleasure and partnership

  • why violence is built into the dominator system

  • how its breeds gas lighting shaming and bullying

  • when good intentions go bad

  • the system creates the toxicity

  • where badassery goes wrong

  • stealing Saturn and the damage done

  • why integration is way more powerful than a mind-blowing immersion

  • what it requires to co-create

  • your direct line to your power

  • why strong energy doesn't equal enlightenment

  • what the new leadership model looks like

  • why your sensuality is your superpower


Want to dive deeper?

  • Book your free Pleasure Queen Activation Session here

  • Get the details for Second Spring Queen here

  • My favourite book on the topic of the Dominator vs Partnership model


The Vital Goddess Masterclass

If you're resonating with what I'm saying here in the show, I've created a free training for you to take it deeper. It's super juicy, and robust. A must-watch for any turned-on seasoned woman!

in this training you will learn :

  • Why pleasure actually matters.

  • What Sacred Feminine Energy is + how to know when we’re cut off from it

  • Why we want to tap into this innate sensual power within.

  • Why midlife is the best time to tap into it!

  • How we activate & embody our inner goddess.

  • What the Taoist Jade Egg Practice is

  • & why it’s the master tool for all of the above.


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