Trauma Informed Coaching/ What Does That Even Mean?
The awareness of trauma in the wellness industry has increased drastically over the last few years. There are so many opportunities to learn more about healing our own trauma and how to hold more effective space for clients.
Since the wellness industry is so vast, and for the most part unregulated, it can be overwhelming when searching for the right fit. The truth is that "trauma aware" can mean very different things to different people.
There are many practitioners, yoga teachers, coaches, etc that include the words trauma aware when describing their practice. While that's wonderful, I feel that it's our job as practitioners to explain what that means in relation to our practice.
That's what this episode is all about.
Here I riff on:
my muddy barefoot hiking adventures
what trauma-informed means to me
my experience in Trauma Release Exercises (TRE)
how TRE works and how it may support you in trauma resolution and daily self-care
Polyvagal theory and self-awareness without judgment
befriending your nervous system and busting the shame cycle
how getting curious serves us
the pleasure zone and tools how we get there
trauma awareness as a lifelong practice
Sensual Breathwork how it differs from other breathwork practices
the importance of rejuvenation
the pitfalls of breakthrough and mind-blowing practices
how nose breathing can help you rejuvenate and bring you into the pleasure zone
how titration can give you sustainable access to calm to build orgasmic power
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