3 Decisions You Need to Make to Reclaim Your Pleasure and Rock Your Third Chapter Like a Goddess dianne shepherdAugust 27, 2021Comment
Reframing Resistance/4 Steps to Cultivating a Successful Jade Egg Practice dianne shepherdJune 26, 2021Comment
Vaginal Weight Lifting: What is it? Why Do It? When Are You Ready? dianne shepherdJune 2, 2021Comment
Toning the Female Core With the Jade Egg dianne shepherdMay 18, 2021Jade Egg, Pelvic Health, Female CoreComment
Cultivating Lifelong Vitality With the Taoist Jade Egg Practice dianne shepherdApril 30, 2021Jade Egg, MenopauseComment
TRE (Trauma Release Exercises) Releasing Stress, Trauma, and Emotional Blocks dianne shepherdApril 22, 2021Comment
Tapping into the Power of Strong Emotions; Three Simple Mind/Body Practices dianne shepherdApril 14, 2021Comment